Young adult course

Young adult course

28 Jul 2022 - 31 Jul 2022
La Chaumière
290€/pers excluding staying, 240€ for couple
Meetings of young adults to restore the beauty of this age and its future perspective.

A pioneer in the animation of the Young Adult courses that we have been organizing for more than 15 years. In 2019 we organized an Impulse festival, our motivation is more and more embodied, and our confidence in the value and beauty of future generations is bigger.

This magical and inspiring encounter is a wonderful opportunity to get closer to your truth, find meaning and celebrate life. Your personality is built on a mishmash of prejudices, conditioning, and judgments which becomes more and more rigid during your life, this seminar is a beautiful gift to find your freedom of Being.

Living life as a young adult
it is both exhilarating and paralyzing. Between freedom and constraint, conformism or rebellion, hyperactivity, and numbness, what do I want? The heart awakens in all its forms and opens up new paths.
Everything is sincere, on edge, both the passion and the anxieties. Morale crisis? Identity? Authority? Or crisis of meaning? In a rapidly changing system, this meeting is a great opportunity to revalue its value to the detriment of hyperconsumption that no longer makes sense.

During this seminar, we will re-give space to the beauty of its age and its future perspective.

And to dare channel this extraordinary energy.

We will suggest you
colorful encounters, in the simplicity and of sharing in order to get to know you better, to meet the energy of the opposite sex and of your own polarity. To reconnect with your true source of creativity, your vital energy.

A bridge between therapeutic work, ancestral rituals, and tantra.

By alternating very precise structures and what will emerge from the alchemy of the group.
Through communication exercises, rites of passage, sharing, dance, etc.
A great human adventure for more maturity and freedom.

stage parents-enfants
stage parents-enfants
stage parents-enfants
Young adult course: Registration

To register for this course, please fill in the form below, then click the “Send” button.

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    Young adult course

    28 Jul 2022 - 31 Jul 2022
    La Chaumière
    290€/pers excluding staying, 240€ for couple