About Vasanti

Born in Bourgogne (France), mother of three children, International Tantra facilitator, certified body psychotherapist Sexual Grounding Therapy, Character-Analytic Vegetotherapy (VGA) practitioner, Original body therapy of Wilhelm Reich. Training facilitator for Ecstasy and Love with Margot Anand until 2014.
For more than 20 years, its common thread has been the vital or sexual energy that constitutes our being and allows love to express itself. Whether through Tantra, through the teaching of Wilhelm Reich, or through Sexual Grounding Therapy
Her colors: bridges between therapeutic work, ancestral rituals, and Tantra.
By integrating the complexity of the person in his psychic, physical and spiritual reality. In order to open ourselves to a better understanding of the functioning of sexual energy and to develop living relationships.
With more than 20 years of entertainment for all generations. She also has a multicultural experience in Russia, and Ukraine, but also in many countries.
Her experience allowed her to create, in 2019, the first International festival for 18-35-year-olds: IMPULSE festival.

Inspired by my travels in India and the Shivaite teaching of Babaji, by meeting remarkable beings and very complementary schools, and by my life as a woman and mother.
Lover of life, and involved in the ecosystem of life in all its forms and for more than 15 years with the new generation.

Trainings et Creations

- Creation of the Impulse festival
- Training in Sexual Grounding Therapy for Trainers (2014-2019)
- International Therapist Training in Sexual Grounding Therapy* (2007-2011)
- Training in Analytic Character Vegetotherapy (2012-2016) delivered by IRFEN
- Training for Ecstasy and Love by Margot Anand (then facilitator of the training and Teacher Training) until 2014
- Holacracy Practitioner Training (IGI Partners) March 2016
- Rebirth training by O.S.E (1993-1995). In the supervision of SGT and VGA
The education and qualification of trainers and therapists for giving Sexual Grounding Therapy® in trainings and therapeutic activities.
The providing of an ethical code for working with SGT.
The protection of the by FSGT trained and qualified trainers and therapists as long as they followed the rules of the ethical code.
The support of scientific investigations and study of SGT.
The supply of supervision possibilities for trainers and therapists.
The support of publications about items connected to SGT..
The use of all other legal tools that can support the goal of the foundation.